Friday, May 9, 2008

Why everyone else is an idiot

Here's my blanket philosophy on the days when I'm certain I don't give a shit: Everyone else is an idiot. You don't say what you mean. You won't do what you want to. You're a fake, plastic version of yourself that's hiding just behind the door, trying to be sure it's safe to be yourself, which of course you are convinced that it is NOT. You put others down instead of sharing the beauty that you hoard. You refuse to explore this world, new ideas, new people and cultures. Your fear makes you a terrible person to know, to be influenced by, to be around. Your walls are so high that you have no idea what type of person you are projecting on the outside. You probably wouldn't even like yourself if you met you on the street or in a bar, because you'd see the falseness of your persona. You line up to be counted with the masses and shut down your mind. It's ridiculous how many times you regurgitate an attitude that somebody else imprinted upon you and you never bothered to test it. You blame the past and the actions of others for your present actions and approach. You let them have the control and take no responsibility. You are not accountable. You don't venture anything new. You don't really believe anything and you won't really put yourself fully into anything. It's terrible. You could be so much more. So much more. You waste this beautiful potential and piss on your opportunity to be a wonderful spirit. Everyday the door is open and ready for you to rise above, but you let fear and pain rule your life. It's sad. The truth is written upon your face. I see you. I see right through you. Show me that you can be more. Show me that there's a surprise, a backbone, a life in full swing. Who among you can do this? Please show me. Who can be honest with themselves? Who can be truly free? Who can ignore themselves? Who can love? Help me to be this.

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