Tuesday, June 23, 2009


hmmm...This could work! This could work...

I'm going to be careful...


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Applying the lesson

It's an odd time when you see yourself through more mature eyes. When I see that I can fall into the same situations, the same positions that have proven to be fruitless or harmful in the past, I suddenly will feel a sense of responsibility come over me. A sense that I need to take corrective action or gauge my responses carefully in order to navigate to a higher place...high above the mucky-muck. And sometimes I fail. I forget or allow something and relive the lesson. I've got to chalk it up to another lesson learned. So we all waste a little time...or maybe alot of time, but we can improve too. The worst thing we could do is just give up, stop living altogether. So I'm applying the lessons of a thousand crashed bicycles, a hundred skinned knees and a few broken hearts. Another season is upon me and who knows what it will bring. I'm feeling pretty good, hope you are too...and maybe, if we're careful, we could keep it that way :)


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Habitat for Humanity

I was on the outskirts of a discussion about divorce this morning. A coworker is in the middle of his proceedings and is telling his tale in that "This is so nuts, that it could only have happened to me alone"...but one by one, 4 of us chimed in with our own tidbits of how we related and I think we all started to breathe a bit easier. We talked about splitting up things, like retirement funds, vehicles and of course, the home. Then, from another place altogether, a friend shares her feelings of loss over her failed marriage, feelings she buried and has been hiding for some time. Feelings that are rooting out. She shares a song. My heart is strong today, but, with no one to eclipse the pain, it touches on my own lost loves as usual. I think of the place called "home". The phrase "home is where the heart is". The truth behind the trite simplicity. It takes at least two people to make a home, and it doesn't matter where that home is, or how lavish - or sparse it may be. Home can be a tiny place, but it can be the warmest and most welcoming place if it's filled with love. And sometimes it's lost, and what we call and consider home...is no longer there. It becomes a ghost while reality is pulling you down the road, your soul begs to stay behind. Division. Collecting pieces of yourself across the bare expanse, letting other's pieces go. The hardest of all, but the final test. And maybe you get hold of yourself, maybe you set up shop and keep it clean, maybe you keep your arms open and learn to be honest. Maybe a new home is being made, a foundation being laid. There is always a new day, a new place to begin. Let's be there today.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Diamonds on the soles of our shoes

I write out this mess, I share myself because life is hard too bear alone, or couped up, anyway. I've got this walkin' blues that I've got to shed, got people and the past to love, honor and respect, to leave behind and a new road to pick up. I've got good people in my life, good friends and good times. My son and I have the best times, just doing whatever. I sometimes feel like I've got this massive, over sized, dirty old bag full of pain that I've grown strong enough to carry most days, other days it's like it's not even there, I run with smiles, still other days have me crushed and unable to move due to it. When I'm under it, I start writing, or singing, playing guitar or something that helps me deal with the pressure. Positive music brings me back up. I can do it. I can let go of that pain. The real test is not how much we can bear, but how much we can let go of. How much we can forgive, how much we can love, how we can forgive ourselves and let the light shine on our lives.