Friday, May 16, 2008

Been there, done that

More strange days. So odd. I am finding new people to be around and new things to try. I'm finding that while some of these experiences are new, others are so very similar to places, people and times I've already experienced, sometimes so long ago that I had forgotten about them entirely. It's not my "been there, done that" attitude this time. This is genuine, "Holy shit, how can this be happening again?!". But I am new, my point of view is different, so everything feels a like I'm getting second chance at many situations. I like to think I've grown some and am avoiding mistakes of my past this time around. I seriously have felt like I am going to see myself walk into these places, the old me and I know I'm going to be powerless to educate him or share some wisdom with him, warn him, talk some sense into him, but I want to. What a life. And I am thankful. Thankful for this life and its coincidences, its reality and its magic, for these struggles and triumphs. It's time for me to retake the castle, as it were. I do hope I am wiser than before and make better decisions this time around. That I am honest, hard-working, and worthy of the blessings of my future.

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