Sunday, March 9, 2008


Optimism is the gift we give ourselves. We choose our fate, our opinion, our assesment and our future through our will and actions. We choose our point of view. The world can lay upon us through our own acception of that which we feel there is no control over, or we can choose to view the events of our lives as a growing and learning experience. The truth is the rock upon our dramatic waves will crash. In time we can learn to be the swift current which is drawn and optimized by it. In every situation we can decide how to react, if we are wise. To be molded in truth is to be at one with your life. Our mouths profess the very things that will come to pass. We hold the very power to direct our fate and to learn from our mistakes. Listen to the words you are saying. There is silver everywhere. In each dark cloud that comes to dampen our spirit, the choice is still ours on how we view it. Be an optimist and joy will come to you. Everyone will rise and fall, but the optimist will appreciate the experience as a wholistic adventure that is a precious gift and a reason to celebrate each day. Pain is inevitable, it's a part of each moment. Joy is too. You can focus on either. The wise will smile in face of adversity and the cluttered soul will dispair in its rise. I would rather smile and be filled with joy, then drown in the ever deepening pit of hoplessness. We shall rise. Just look for your silver and you will find it.

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