Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Insanity at it's best

So here's a mystery. Why do we all embrace a little insanity from time to time? I don't know anyone that doesn't. Granted there are those who get so very lost in it and those that never come back. We make up realities that cover the gaps in our lives that we can't explain, the parts we refuse to accept or seem impossible. Then, while we're in that state of confusion and grasping for reason, we find others in the same place looking for answers. If you haven't been there yet, you will be. If you're there right now, you could go off in so many directions. Some are harmless and interesting, some give you direction while you find yourself, still many others are dangerous and destructive. Some the world's best art comes from this state of instability, maybe because it let's people know they are not alone in feeling so crazy...in fact it's perfectly normal, if not a little off center. Center is boring anyway. It seems that religion preys on these troubled minds at times. Certainly every religion starts out as a cult of the insane and either grows to become part of the social norm or is extinguished for being so radically different that it is clearly a mythical manifestation of some nut job's bad acid trip. It's not just religion though, psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists tap into this mania. Drudging up ugly history and prescribing pills to counter this naturally occurring phenomenon. It's all a big race to get back to sanity, to get your feet back on the ground and stop questioning every emotional, literal or intuitive experience's relevance. Here are your pre-packaged answers: it's God, your parents, the traumatic events that recently or not so recently plagued you, take 6 months, read some books, get some exercise and take a nice long bath and everything will be okay. And usually it is. The kicker is that no one is immune to being in touch with this type of thinking and how they interpret it is a personal journey. Thus, some truth must exist to what we call insanity. If everyone is working on this mystery at one time or another, then there must be something to it. Maybe there is more going on then that which we can explain. How hard is that to accept? Science and such has explained much of what humans took to be mysteries for all but recent history. What new discoveries await us? What new senses can we learn to develop? What empirical evidence will come to light concerning the soul, our great frontier? Why can't we pull this together? Some people have the hardest time just letting, the unexplained remain as such. Maybe it's okay to accept that parts of this experience won't be revealed specifically. Maybe we're just lucky to be here and it's a waste of time to worry so much the pieces that fit without our understanding. Miracles and tragedies happen everyday, must we know their reason? Maybe so, it seems that is part of what connects us, our need to have the mystery resolved. Funny that the thing that connects us all is also the very thing that keeps us apart.

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