Wednesday, March 26, 2008

By the authority vested in me...

What you can and cannot do is no more or less equal to the state of your perception of authority. There simply rests the confines of our existence and we make the personal choice on which boundaries to believe in. The laws of this world are just a debated and compromised reflection on those moral codes that every person is ingrained with. On one side of each rule, you'll find yourself either near or far from the written law. For all of modern history we find governments, religions and corporations setting down these rules as a percieved benefit for the people who are ruled by them. Of course, this is cause for all of our chaos and anacharist dreams, our threat of destruction and our great divide. And how do we find ourselves making peace with these confines? Some dive deep into the politics, the highest form of art according to the Greek forfathers of western thought. They talk and talk about defining the lines, taking hardline attitudes, fight and claw each other until simply gaining the floor to speak loudly in defense of their position takes over as the motivation to be involved. Notoriety. Respect of fellow men. Power. Control. So much gets sacrificed in the pursuit of making change in those systems of debate. The raw nature of morality is lost to the stone tablets of law. Nearly the same can be said of rigorous religion. Leadership has continuously attempted to form rigid conformity throughout their following, robbing the beauty and fondness for peace and justice found within us. These rules are the work of fear. Fear that we, the people, would not listen to that voice within. It's a voice that is sounding loud and fierce when we know real love. A voice that can be quiet when overrun by doubt and fear. Our most terrible enemies! We absolutely know the difference between right and wrong. It cannot be denied. When you are quiet, at peace, and filled with love, the answers come shining through as clear as day. Now to the real debate. What do we do when our own motivation temps us to dissregard that voice, that truth, within us? Well we reason ourselves right around it most of the time. The truth is like the nature of light, or that of water. It's there, showing us the way, but never forcing us to fall in, never seeking it's own will. Instead, it is ever allowing you to make your choices. We can choose to stick to it's path or we can cut a few corners here and there. Yes, we all do this everyday. We can pick a different path all together. We can deny that any path exists at all. In a true attempt to live your finest path, the laws of man, the rules of religion, the regulations do not apply to you. In finding yourself here, you no longer need to change the rules, since they do not concern you anyway. The struggle dissolved. The truth is your law and it's a fine line to be mindful of, yet it will let you gently understand it if you respect it. It is higher than the written word. It is of the most simple and perfect nature. Love is the key to illuminating the path. By the power vested in me I shall be free, I shall govern myself.

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