Friday, June 20, 2008

The art of conversation

Where did it go? Our ability to speak to each other, or carry on a real conversation. To face our daily truth. So often it seems there are those who just can't actually say what they mean, as if they are afraid of their own words. How many times do I see them run and hide from my candid approach to all things. Again fear comes along and shuts the mouths that could be honest, that could be helpful or hopeful. Fear is the opposite of love and must not be given any mercy. It must be squashed completely. It's a terrible thing to live in fear, it will hold you from the blessings that this life has to offer. You will hurt others with your fear, guaranteed. Our fear of being hurt by each other is the last great hurdle. It goes beyond our fear of physical pain or even death. The fear of emotional pain is our great brick wall, the one place we get completely turned around and trapped if we are not careful. We have to shake off that kind of trouble. We have to get up, get back, get moving on. Live again. Try again. Don't give up. Don't let it beat you. NO! Don't let it hurt you anymore. Get right back up on that horse. Get over this latest breakdown or breakthrough and be unafraid. It starts with a conversation, a real one.

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