Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Applying the lesson

It's an odd time when you see yourself through more mature eyes. When I see that I can fall into the same situations, the same positions that have proven to be fruitless or harmful in the past, I suddenly will feel a sense of responsibility come over me. A sense that I need to take corrective action or gauge my responses carefully in order to navigate to a higher place...high above the mucky-muck. And sometimes I fail. I forget or allow something and relive the lesson. I've got to chalk it up to another lesson learned. So we all waste a little time...or maybe alot of time, but we can improve too. The worst thing we could do is just give up, stop living altogether. So I'm applying the lessons of a thousand crashed bicycles, a hundred skinned knees and a few broken hearts. Another season is upon me and who knows what it will bring. I'm feeling pretty good, hope you are too...and maybe, if we're careful, we could keep it that way :)


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