Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Know Thyself

Come sinners and saints. Come high and low. Come deep and wide, shallow and the like. The truth is that any of those adjectives could be used to describe me or you at one time or another. Extremes of passion, absent minded moments, the day to day, the warm summer nights and cold desolate winters bring so many shades of our selves to light. I have my weaknesses, I know the ones that can lead to troubles, I know the ones that are just a part of me and I must live with. I have my strengths, those that can serve me, those that go too far. Balance is the key to gentle contentment, but without the extremes we might not see change, we might not grow and learn. Where would we be without mistakes, without risk and reward? Know thyself? Yes! Forgive thyself! Embrace thyself! Reinforce thyself! Punish thyself! Reward thyself! Test thyself! Who are you? You are who, who you are. Let's be whole and accept it for all it's glory and shortcoming.

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