Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Friends in need

I love my friends. They are the best and they make this life truly wonderful. I am truly blessed. I have had many days where I've been down and out, they come and pick me up, carry me through and walk beside me. Now my turn has come to be the crutch. To remind them of the sunshine and the promise of better times. I hope I can find the right words, take the right action, whisper the right prayers and serve them as well as they have served me. It's a most delicate balance of keeping self righteousness at bay, but being in confident in love and redemption. One must keep the slate clean and be ever vigiliant. I must put them first, before myself. I must remove any motivation if I am to be any real help. I must keep reminding myself of this, I must keep reminding myself of this, I must keep reminding myself of this.

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