Thursday, December 11, 2008

A little note about your sadness...

I was thinking about the present, the past, possibilities...about accepting pain and loss and accepting that some scars will always hurt just like some happy memories will always bring a smile. When we choose action over contemplation, we risk our safety and we take a step onto the road of uncertainty. It seems as though the difficult times are simply a numbers game. I say to myself, "You will suffer a bit, until you don't anymore." I'm accepting the pain of the future too. Accepting that these things will come and go through a lifetime of ups and downs. In that I also accept that joy is waiting too. Looking backward tells me that both are on the menu, and never in such great quantities that they don't offset each other. What amazing things I've seen, what divine bliss I've felt, the people I've shared it with...unbelievable. What suffering, what heartache, what troubles...unbearable. Yet here I am. I'm in the middle, my love is wider than wide. I am constantly renewed by hope and the enduring spirit of life itself. And now I'm waiting again. Patient. I am in the quiet center. I'm ready for what is next, I am unafraid, but cautious, careful and calculating. I accept that all things do not go how I would want them. I am ready for the time when something does go my way. Something that I cannot deny. Ready to run, but able to rest.

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