Monday, March 30, 2009

The weight of it

It's true that we can become stronger with time, effort and patience. It seems the emotional muscle is not unlike any other in the body. Our stability is dependant upon our testing, the breaking down and rebuilding of a stable emotional state. If we dare to suffer our emotional wounds with honesty and deal with them directly, accepting that they have broken us, then we can heal properly as well. Take time. Allow for regeneration. Feed the soul with a healthy diet of quiet and patient reflection, with help from those we admire and trust. Yes, we shall grow strong. The tests will keep coming, undoubtedly. That's life. As adults, we tend to think that we've done all our growing, but the truth is, we just do it slower than before and we can always improve. We will always be forced to bear the load of new challenges. Let's run out to greet them head on with our love and honesty as our foundation. That's the place to start before all things.

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